Canadian Museum of History

Canadian Museum of History

Canadian Museum of History xusi lax̱a at̕łias part of The Witness Blanket February 6 – May 5, 2025Gatineau, Quebec xusi lax̱a at̕łi (2019) – a collaboration with Kwakwaka’wakw artist Carey Newman – is now on view at the Canadian Museum of History as part of The...
The Image Centre

The Image Centre

Kelly Richardson: Origin Stories January 22 – April 5, 2025Toronto Metropolitan UniversitySalah J. Bachir New Media WallToronto, Canada Curated by Kristen Gergely Kelly Richardson’s Origin Stories is a metaphysical exploration that transcends traditional photography,...
Buffalo History Museum

Buffalo History Museum

10 X 5: 50 Years of Hallwalls Contemporary Arts Center, 1975–2025 Opening September 20, 2024Buffalo, New York Founded in December 1974, Hallwalls began as a vibrant hub for contemporary art in Buffalo. Since 1975, it has hosted over 6,500 events, featuring more than...
Lo Pati Centre d’Art

Lo Pati Centre d’Art

Anthropocenes: narratives about life in the Anthropocene August 21 – October 20, 2024Amposta, Spain Centre d’Art Lo Pati presents a new season of exhibitions on the art center’s building façade featuring the work of Diane Drubay, Claudia Larcher, Kelly Richardson,...