Anthropocenes: narratives about life in the Anthropocene

August 21 – October 20, 2024
Amposta, Spain

Centre d’Art Lo Pati presents a new season of exhibitions on the art center’s building façade featuring the work of Diane Drubay, Claudia Larcher, Kelly Richardson, Theresa Schubert, Yuge Zhou, and Marina Zurkow curated by Pau Waelder. From different perspectives, the works offer narratives about life in the Anthropocene, particularly in environments and systems that we ignore but that play a determining role in life on Earth. From the ocean floor to the mines from which we extract the materials that facilitate our digital life, from glaciers to atmospheric phenomena, from forest fires to crowded cities, these works invite us to reflect on our planet, the world in which we want to live and what we will leave to the next generations.

Program schedule:
Feb 21-Apr 20: Marina Zurkow, 00zy #3
Apr 21-Jun 20: Claudia Larcher, Noise above our heads
Jun 21-Aug 20: Diane Drubay, Ignis II
Aug 21-Oct 20: Kelly Richardson, HALO I
Oct 21-Dec 20: Yuge Zhou, Interlinked II
Dec 21-Feb 20: Theresa Schubert, A synthetic archive (AI glaciers)

Read more on Niio Art here!