by Kelly Richardson | Jul 27, 2016 | Uncategorized |
This summer marks the 10 year anniversary of the creation of Exiles of the Shattered Star and a new way of working with the moving and still image within my practice. It’s been a truly tremendous decade. An enormous thanks to the many wonderful people who have...
by Kelly Richardson | Jun 5, 2016 | Exhibitions |
LUMENS 12 JUIN – 25 SEPTEMBRE 2016 VERNISSAGE : DIMANCHE 12 JUIN 2016, 14 H MUSÉE ET ESPACES SATELLITES Musée Régional de Rimouski, Quebec Curated by ÈVE DE GARIE-LAMANQUE L’exposition LUMENS, dont le titre réfère à l’unité dérivée du système international du...
by Kelly Richardson | Oct 5, 2015 | News, Uncategorized |
ARTS COUNCIL COLLECTION New Acquisitions 2015-2016 It is an absolute pleasure to announce that England’s Arts Council Collection, which holds work by the most influential British artists from the mid-twentieth century to the present day, have acquired two video...